The mechanism of the reaction Be9(Li7,Li8)Be8, Q=0.36 Mev, from which the angular distribution of Li8 has been measured by Norbeck, Blair, Pinsonneault, and Gerbracht (NBPG), is analyzed from a classical viewpoint. The reaction is one of neutron pickup by the Li7, and it is assumed that due to the low reaction energy and relatively low mass of the neutron the Li7 and Be9 are not unrecognizably perturbed from the classical hyperbolic orbits they would follow under Coulomb repulsion. For the NBPG data taken at 2-Mev Li7 bombarding energy it is noted that the blurring of the classical trajectories due to diffraction is about 37% in the angle of deviation. Comparison of NPGB's cross sections per steradian for Li8 formation with those calculated from Rutherford's formula show that 1 in 106 passing Li7 nuclei can capture a neutron from Be9 in encounters in which the perinuclear distance is as great as (3.0±0.55)×1012 cm.