Heterocyclic rearrangements. N,N‐diphenylhydrazones, oximes and O‐methyloximes of 3‐benzoyl‐5‐phenyl‐1,2,4‐oxadiazole

The behaviour of (E)‐ and (Z)‐N,N‐diphenylhydrazones and O‐Methyloximes of 3‐benzoyl‐5‐phenyl‐1,2,4‐oxadiazole has been studied. When refluxed in benzene, or in dioxane‐water (1:1), the (Z)‐N,N‐diphenylhydrazone 8Z gave the indazole 11 or the substituted semicarbazide 12, respectively. The O‐methyloxime 14Z did not give any rearrangement. A criticism of the oximation reaction of 3‐benzoyl‐5‐phenyl‐1,2,4‐oxadiazole is also reported.