In vitro culture of Cucumis sativus L.

The ability to regenerate plants from leaf explants has been tested for three highly inbred cucumber lines (B, G, S), their reciprocal hybrids, F2 and BC1 generations. The lines differed from each other in their regenerating ability, which was expressed by the percentage of explants regenerating embryoidal callus and mean number of plantlets per plant. Thus, the lines could be classified as frequently (B), intermediately (G) or occasionally regenerating ones (S). There were no reciprocal cross differences in the regeneration. It was found that the intermediately and intensively regenerating lines contain two pairs of dominant genes responsible for plant regeneration, characterized by complementary and probably additive interaction. The frequently regenerating line differed from the intermediately regenerating in the effect of one gene. It is supposed that the above-mentioned genes belong to three different loci. The ability to regenerate plants from leaf expiants had high heritability.