The mixed-valence compound Reihlen's green, [PtII(C2H5NH2)4][PtIVBr2(C2H5NH2)4]Br4·4H2O, displays a resonance-Raman (r.r.) spectrum when irradiated within the contour of the mixed-valence charge-transfer transition in the visible. It is characterised by a progression in ν1, the Br–PtIV–Br symmetric breathing fundamental, which reaches 7ν1. Additional progressions 1+ν2[where ν2 is the δ(Br–PtIV–N) bending fundamental] to n= 4 and 1+ν3(where ν3 is probably a lattice mode) to n= 3 are also observed. The observation of such progressions permits the spectroscopic constants ω1, x11, x12, and x13 to be determined as 179.6, –0.37, 0.3, and 0.3 cm–1 respectively. The diffuse-reflectance spectrum of the compound indicates that there are two overlapped mixed-valence charge-transfer transitions in the visible (main band at 18 250 cm–1, shoulder at ca. 16 000 cm–1) both of which (on the basis of previous single-crystal work) are polarised parallel to the chain axis. The excitation profile of ν1(Stokes), 2ν1(Stokes), and ν1(anti-Stokes) have maxima at 16 100, 16 300, and 15 800 cm–1 respectively. The observation that axial vibrational modes are resonance-enhanced on irradiation of a compound with an exciting line whose frequency falls within the band contour of an axially polarised electronic transition is considered to be an important result which may open the way to making more precise assignments of the electronic spectra of many compounds.

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