Satellite cells in the tail muscles of the urodelan larvae during development

The incidence and ultrastructure of satellite cells in the tail muscles of urodelan larvae were examined during development during which the number of satellite cells is gradually reduced. They are found more frequently in red than in the white fibres in all four stages examined (stage 53, 64, 66+ and juvenile). As development proceeds, intercellular space between satellite cell and muscle fibre is in general gradually extended and is mostly filled with basal lamina. Small muscle cells, satellite fibres, which are situated under the basal lamina of the parent fibre, are morphologically similar to satellite cells but contain a small amount of myofibrils. Three types of satellite fibres are distinguishable on the basis of differences in K2-EDTA-treated ATPase activity, width of Z line, and parent fibre type. Neuromuscular junctions are visible in satellite fibres.