Interconversions and production of volatile fatty acids in the sheep rumen

Sheep fed at a constant rate were infused intra-ruminally with 1-C 14-acetate, -propionate, or -butyrate during 5-hr, periods. Volatile fatty acids were estimated in the rumen contents and steady-state conditions were obtained. Of the butyric acid carbon, 60% was in equilibrium with 20% of the acetic acid carbon, and 2-3g atoms of carbon were interconverted/day. Little interconversion took place between propionic acid, acet''c acid or butyric acid. The net production rates for acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid were 3.7, 1,0 and 0.7 moles/day respectively. The production of volatile fatty acids accounted for 80% of the animal''s energy expenditure.