Some Effects on Light Scattering Intensity and Red Blood Cell Size Distribution Histograms Due to Sphering

At present most haematology blood cell analysers routinely provide red blood cell (RBC) size distribution histograms. Sophisticated improvements of the instruments have re-awakened interest in the study of size histograms. The quantitative information derived from the histograms may be applied more fruitfully if insight is available, with respect to some essential principles of sizing technology and methods for treatment of RBCs before measurement. In this study the consequences of sphering RBCs are investigated in relation to the generation of size distribution histograms by means of methods based on light scattering intensity (LSI). Sphering of RBCs results in considerably narrower histograms than unsphered RBCs. The overall signal to noise ratio increases and there is a broader gap between large platelets and microcytic RBCs. Narrower size distribution ranges will enable closer modes to be separated. Compared to unsphered RBCs, microcytic sphered RBCs yield increased LSI whereas macrocytic sphered RBCs yield decreased LSI.