NRK rat kidney cells infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of the Kirsten sarcoma virus (ts371) were transformed at 36 degrees C but were phenotypically nontransformed at 41 degrees C because of the abnormal thermolability of the oncogenic 21-kilodalton product of the viral Ki-ras gene. Thus tsK-NRK cells were rendered quiescent in a G0-G1 state by a 48-h incubation in serum-free medium at the nonpermissive, p21-inactivating temperature of 41 degrees C. The serum-starved cells could then be stimulated to transit G1 either as nontransformed cells by adding serum at 41 degrees C or as transformed cells by lowering the temperature to a p21-activating 36 degrees C. The viral p21 protein was as effective as serum in stimulating tsK-NRK cells to transit G1 and to start replicating DNA. While p21 effectively stimulated cells to transit G1 even in unconditioned, serum-free medium, they still needed cell-derived conditioning factors to subsequently divide. The p21 protein also enabled the cells to transit G1 in spite of an extracellular Ca2+ deficiency that inhibited the G1 transit of serum-stimulated cells. p21 activity was needed to stimulate both early and late G1 events. In contrast to serum, p21 did not stimulate total RNA or protein synthesis, but some RNA and protein synthesis must have been needed for the p21-driven G1 transit because it could be stopped by actinomycin D or cycloheximide.

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