The Zeeman effect in the microwave rotational spectrum of 27Al19F has been measured in the ground vibrational state υ = 0 in order to determine the gJ-factor and the molecular magnetic susceptibility anisotropy ξT : gJ=-0.08051(8) ; ξT/h=434(38)Hz/(kG)2 . The molecular quadrupole moment and its electronic part are derived from the values of g j ,ξT , and the rotational constant B0 . - The spectrum obtained in the magnetic field exhibits resolvable hyperfine structure from the 27Al nucleus with spin l = 5/2 and enabled us to determine the magnetic shielding anisotropy of this nucleus: σT=-224(71)·10-6. This value agrees reasonably well with an estimated one obtained from an interrelation with the spin-rotation interaction constant cl .

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