Six tall herb and fern vegetation types in Røldal have been investigated. They are referred to the alliances Lactucion alpinae and Alno–Ulmion. Lactucion alpinae is divided into two suballiances, one oligotrophic to mesotrophic (Dryoptero–Calamagrostenion purpureae) to which are referred Athyrium distentifolium– Salix scrub, and Athyrium distentifolium meadow, and one eutrophic (Lactucenion alpinae) to which belongs Geranium sylvatkum meadow and Lactuca alpina meadow. Alnus incana forest, herb/fern and Matteuccia struthiopteris types belong to Alno–Ulmion. Lactucion alpinae is considered subalpine, whilst Alno Uimion is prealpine.The pre– and subalpine zones are considered oceanic sections of middle– and upper oroboreal vegetation zones.