The influence of room temperature deformation on porosity and permeability in calcite aggregates

Changes in permeability and porosity during shortening deformation of Carrara marble and hot‐pressed calcite aggregates were measured under high pressure at room temperature using argon as pore fluid. At effective pressures of 30 and 50 MPa, the permeability of Carrara marble increased by up to 2 orders of magnitude with less than 2% strain during which the connected porosity increased by only 0.005. The permeability increased more slowly with further strain up to 18%, during which the connected porosity increased by a further 0.05 to 0.06. At effective pressures of 100 MPa to 200 MPa, these effects were much less marked. In hot‐pressed calcite aggregates, deformed at an effective pressure of 50 MPa, the permeability increased by about 2 orders of magnitude after about 12% strain and an increase in connected porosity of about 0.03. Microstructural studies indicate that, in the coarse‐grained Carrara marble specimens, both transgranular and grain boundary cracks are present after room temperature deformation. For a given strain, the average length and the linear density of transgranular cracks decrease with increasing effective pressure. In fine‐grained, hot‐pressed calcite aggregates, dilatancy is mainly due to opening of grain boundary cracks. The very marked increase in permeability with small strain at low effective pressure can be correlated with the proliferation of connected microcracks of relatively large apertures, deduced on the basis of theoretical models.