Prediagnostic serum levels of carotenoids and vitamin E as related to subsequent cancer in Washington County, Maryland

In 1974 and 1975, serum specimens were collected from 25 802 volunteers in Washington County, Maryland. The serum was kept frozen at −73 °C until the time of assay. Prediagnostic samples from 436 cancer cases and 765 matched control subjects have been assayed. Nine sites have been studied: colon, rectum, pancreas, lung, melanoma, basal cell of skin, breast, prostate, and bladder. Serum β-carotene levels showed a strong protective association with lung cancer, suggestive protective associations with melanoma and bladder cancer, and a suggestive but nonprotective association with rectal cancer. Serum vitamin E levels had a protective association with lung cancer; none of the other sites showed impressive associations. Low levels of serum lycopene were strongly associated with pancreatic cancer and less strongly associated with cancer of the bladder and rectum.