Optimizing the effect of plant sterols on cholesterol absorption in man

During three experimental periods, nine adults were hospitalized on a metabolic ward and fed a meal containing 500 mg of cholesterol as a component of scrambled eggs. In addition, the meal contained: 1) no additive, 2) 1 g β-sitosterol, or 3) 2 g β-sitosteryl oleate. Stools for the succeeding 5 days were analyzed to determine the percentage of the cholesterol in the test meal that was absorbed. The addition of β-sitosterol resulted in a 42% decrease in cholesterol absorption; the β-sitosteryl oleate caused a 33% reduction. These results indicate that the judicious addition of β-sitosterol or β-sitosteryl oleate to meals containing cholesterol-rich foods will result in a significant decrease in cholesterol absorption, with a consequent decrease in plasma cholesterol.