3D direct vertical interconnect microprocessors test vehicle

The current trends in high performance integrated circuits are towards faster and more powerful circuits in the giga-hertz range and even further. As the more complex Integrated Circuits (IC) such as microprocessors have been entering the giga-hertz operating frequency range, various speed related roadblocks have become increasingly difficult to overcome. The migration to smaller devices has raised serious challenges. The major impediment to fulfill Moore's Law effectively in the years to come is increasingly becoming the interconnect. ICs are using a greater fraction of their clock cycles charging interconnect wires. IC interconnect related speed degradation has stimulated much research effort in the area of low dielectric constant materials. A relatively novel approach, wafer scale 3-dimensional (3D) integration attempts to by-pass the large wire parasitics by shortening wires. This paper is going to elaborate on a 3D microprocessor test vehicle. We intend to demonstrate the speed advantages, which may be derived from 3D integration, through a combination of fabrication, testing and simulation.

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