Changes in bite force and chewing efficiency after denture treatment in edentulous patients with denture adaptation difficulties

Summary: Masticatory function was studied by means of a chewing efficiency test and bite forces measurements in forty‐nine edentulous patients who had applied for treatment with fixed protheses on osseointegrated dental implants. Registrations were performed with the original complete dentures and after treatment aiming at optimizing the dentures. The patients were divided into two groups and the post‐treatment recordings were completed after adaptation periods of 2 and 6 months, respectively. The functional tests showed mainly small and non‐significant changes after the denture treatment. Improvement was greater, however, in those with the poorest pre‐treatment values. Chewing efficiency deteriorated after treatment in the older patients (more than 50 years) while it did not change in the younger ones. A longer adaptation period did not lead to better functional results. The findings are discussed in relation to the fact that the patients were waiting for implant treatment, with consequent psychological implications for interpretation.