Synaptonemal complexes and chromosome chains in the rodent Ellobius talpinus heterozygous for ten Robertsonian translocations

Synaptonemal complexes (SC) in four Ellobius talpinus males heterozygous for ten Robertsonian translocations were examined with an electron microscope using a surface-spreading technique. A total of 136 late zygotene and pachytene spermatocytes were examined. From one to three completely paired SC trivalents were found in each early pachytene spermatocyte. The lateral elements of the short arms of the acrocentric chromosomes in these trivalents were joined with an SC thus forming the third arm of the SC trivalent. At the same stage a few SC trivalents did not contain lateral elements in the pericentromeric region of the metacentric chromosomes and remained unpaired in this region up to mid pachytene. At zygotene and pachytene from two to eight SC trivalents were joined into chains due to formation of SCs between the short arms of acrocentrics of other SC trivalents. These chains are frequent at late zygotene, but are resolved during pachytene into individual trivalents. It is proposed that pairing and SC formation between the short arms of the acrocentric chromosomes results from the monosomy of the short arms and partial DNA homology between these heterochromatic regions. Since crossing over probably does not take place in these segments, the chromosomal chains may subsequently be corrected into trivalents by a dissolution of the SCs combining adjacent trivalents. The correction and disjoining of chains may not be effective in all cells. The cells in which the chains are retained are assumed to be arrested at the pachytene stage.