Phase I trial of concurrent intraperitoneal and continuous intravenous infusion of fluorouracil in patients with refractory cancer.

In an effort to maximize both local-regional and systemic drug exposure to tumor in the peritoneal cavity, a phase I study was conducted that examined the simultaneous daily intraperitoneal (IP) and continuous intravenous infusion (CVI) of fluorouracil (5-FU) to 32 patients with refractory cancer. IP 5-FU administered at 1,000 mg/d with concurrent 5-FU by CVI at 1,000 mg/m2/d for four consecutive days was well tolerated. One patient with a primary gastrointestinal (GI) malignancy with minimal volume disease experienced a surgically defined complete remission. In theory, this regimen may demonstrate clinical utility as an adjuvant treatment of certain GI malignancies. Future studies are planned in this clinical setting.