Synopsis: Nine phases of deformation, D1–D9, are recognised in the Lewisian complex of Torridon. D1–D5 pre-date the Scourie dykes and are thus of Scourian age, whilst D6–D9 post-date the dykes and belong to the Laxfordian. The N.-S. to NE.-SW. S3 foliation which is dominant in the north of the area has been affected by NW.-SE. large-scale (F3A) and subsequent small-scale (F4) folds and related axial-planar foliation (S4). S4 was originally regarded as Laxfordian by Sutton ( in Sutton and Watson 1951), but has been assigned here to the late Scourian or Inverian. In D5 both large and small scale F5 folds were produced with SE.-plunging axes, affecting sub-horizontal belts of S4. L5 is co-axial with L4. The earliest Laxfordian structure S6 is usually parallel or sub-parallel to dyke margins. In D7 were formed F7 folds, S7 axial-planar foliation and L7 lineation which increase in intensity towards the south. S7 is co-planar with S4 and S6, and L7 is co-axial with L4. The D8 structures are restricted to narrow NW.-SE. belts in which F8 small-scale folds and L8 lineations were formed. The last penetrative structure is the S9 mylonite banding affecting certain NW.-SE. belts and is co-planar with S4 and S7. Correlations are made with other areas in the southern Laxfordian belt.