Decay ofA35

The positron decay of A35 has been investigated with a magnetic lens beta-ray spectrometer and a NaI(Tl) scintillation spectrometer. A maximum beta-ray energy of 4.96±0.04 Mev was found, which is 0.5 Mev higher than the previous values determined by cloud-chamber measurements. The new value is in good agreement with the end point predicted from Coulomb energy considerations. Two weak gamma rays were found with energies of 0.19±0.04 and 1.73±0.04 Mev; both are in good agreement with reported levels in Cl35. Analysis of the complex beta spectrum shows that approximately 7% of the A35 decays to two excited states in Cl35. The ft value of the ground-state, mirror transition is 6200±400 seconds. From this ft value and the ft value of O14, the |σ|2 for this transition was estimated to be less than 0.13; the eν angular correlation coefficients were calculated to be +0.96±0.04 and -0.93±0.09 for the V, T and S, T beta interactions, respectively. These coefficients are indistinguishable from those expected in the case of a pure Fermi transition, indicating that A35 would be very suitable for identifying the Fermi invariant in the beta-decay interaction by an angular correlation experiment.