We predict a new plasmon-polariton mode—supported by a biconducting interface in a certain frequency "window" (ω1, ωs). The limiting frequencies are defined by ε1(ω1)=0 and ε1(ωs)+ε2(ωs)=0, where εi(ω), i=1, 2, are the dielectric functions of the two media. If the Drude approximation for εi(ω) is applicable then ωs2=(εL1ω12+εL2ω22)(εL1+εL2), where ωi and εLi are the plasma frequencies and lattice dielectric constants of the conductors. These "interface plasmons" may propagate at a metal-metal, or semiconductor-semiconductor, or metal-semiconductor interface. The dispersion, damping, and polarization of the modes are analyzed in the retardation region. Optical methods of excitation and detection are discussed.