Accuracy of Pelvic Flexion Measurements from Lateral Radiographs

Variations in pelvic orientation affect preoperative planning decisions, intraoperative navigation, and postoperative measurements. By providing the means to measure pelvic flexion at low cost and reporting pelvic flexion using the standard reference system, a lateral radiograph technique based on the pubic tubercles and anterior superior iliac spines may be useful for studying functional pelvic orientation and functional alignment and for improving accuracy of postoperative measurement. We evaluated the accuracy of this method by synthesizing 50 lateral pelvic radiographs. Six observers performed manual landmark-based pelvic flexion measurements on the resultant radiographs. Pelvic flexion measurement errors were small (0.004º ± 1.38º). Apart from one outlier with an error of 12.4º, the errors ranged from −4.0º to 3.0º. The data suggest that accurate measurements of pelvic flexion can be made from lateral radiographs with respect to the standard anatomic reference system. However, failure to correctly observe a landmark can introduce large errors. Therefore, the clarity of the relevant landmarks should be considered carefully before applying this technique. Lateral radiographs can be easily acquired and analyzed, making this technique convenient and inexpensive.