A Combined Kinematic-Isotropic Hardening Theory for Porous Inelasticity of Ductile Metals

A general treatment of multiaxial inelastic deformation for arbitrarily large strain necessitates consideration of effects of material porosity and its evolution, combined kinematic-isotropic hardening, dislocation substructure stress-state effects and textural anisotropy, rate- and temperature-dependence, void anisotropy, and failure criteria, among other things. The full set of three invariants of the stress (overstress) tensor is essential for a satisfactory first-order description of these effects. A framework is set forth in this article that is sufficiently general to include arbitrary void growth laws and various state variable inelasticity theories. The framework is applied, within the context of rate-independent plasticity, to predict evolution of void growth during tensile loading of pressurized, cir cumferentially notched specimens using two different void growth models.

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