Corticofugal axonal degeneration in rats after middle cerebral artery occlusion.

We used the Fink-Heimer method to study degenerating corticofugal axons after unilateral middle cerebral artery occlusion in 14 adult male Long-Evans hooded rats. Axonal degeneration in the pyramidal tracts was prominent at 1-3 weeks, manifesting in well-defined silver-impregnated axonal bundles coursing from the internal capsule to the pyramids and crossing completely to the contralateral spinal cord. In half of eight rats examined at 1-3 weeks, the cortical infarct included the forelimb region of the sensorimotor cortex, and degenerating corticospinal axons could be traced to the lower cervical segments; in rats with involvement of the hindlimb cortical area as well, axonal degeneration extended to the lumbosacral segments. Terminal degeneration products were present in the forebrain, midbrain, and brainstem within 2 days after arterial occlusion; the number of degenerating terminals peaked at 7 days and decreased gradually thereafter up to 6 weeks. Dense terminal degeneration was observed in the trigem...