A simple model formula for the hadronic form factors as a ratio of two Γ functions is examined from the point of view of its consistency with the beta-function model and with the chiral properties of the vector and axial-vector currents. It is shown that similar models may hold simultaneously for the simplest vector and axial-vector form factors while maintaining consistency with the Veneziano model of the four-point function, and with the requirements of a conserved vector current, partially conserved axial-vector current, and the Gell-Mann algebra of currents. An infinite class of such solutions is found: Defining form factors by π+(p2)|Vμ0(0)|π+(p1)=FV(t)(p1+p2)μ and σ(p2)|Aμ0(0)|π0(p1)=FA+(t)(p1+p2)μ+FA(t)(p1+p2)μ, where t=(p1+p2)2, we find the solutions FV(t)Γ(1αV(t))Γ(rV+1αV(t)) and FA+(t)Γ(1αA(t))Γ(rA+1αA(t)), where αV(t) is the ρ Regge trajectory and αA(t) is the πA1 Regge trajectory. The power behaviors of FA(t) and FV(t) for |t| are not determined absolutely, but the relative power is found to be rVrA=12, as a consequence of a quantization rule for the trajectory intercepts. Scalar and pseudoscalar form factors are treated also, with similar results; in the approximation used here, however, it is required that the pseudoscalar form factor P(t) in σ(p2)|μAμ0(0)|π0(p1)=Mπ2P(t) be dominated by the ground-state pion alone, that is, P(t)Γ(αA(t))Γ(1αA(t)), in order to ensure absence of non-gauge-invariant terms in the matrix element π+(p2)|Vμ0(0)|π+(p1). In order to consider matrix elements of the vector- and axial-vector-current operators between other hadron states, we write generalized field-current identities, using the forms of FV(t) and FA+(t), and make a universality hypothesis that the vector mesons ρ and A1 and their higher recurrences couple universally to the independent helicity amplitudes of the Breit frame. As an example, a treatment of the nucleon electromagnetic and axial-vector form factors is given, leading to simple model formulas for the Sachs form factors GE(t) and GM(t), and the axial-vector form factor GA(t), which for spacelike values of t agree well with the experimental results.