Demonstration of Josephson effect submillimeter wave sources with increased power

A submillimeter wave source based on a new design using Josephson junction arrays has been developed and tested. The maximum rf power, delivered to a 68Ω load and detected on chip, was 47 μW at 394 GHz. Significant power was detected at a number of frequencies from 300 to 500 GHz where the power was 10 μW. The observed power at the designed operating frequency near 400 GHz is consistent with all 500 junctions in the series biased array delivering current in phase to the loads. This is in agreement with simulations of smaller arrays of the same design. The linewidth, inferred from the measured resistance at the point of maximum power, with T=4.2 K, is less than 1 MHz. The minimum inferred linewidth near 400 GHz, at somewhat lower power, is about 100 kHz.