Polynomial Algorithms for Item Matching
- 1 December 1992
- journal article
- Published by SAGE Publications in Applied Psychological Measurement
- Vol. 16 (4) , 365-371
- https://doi.org/10.1177/014662169201600408
To estimate test reliability and to create parallel tests, test items frequently are matched. Items can be matched by splitting tests into parallel test halves, by creating T splits, or by matching a desired test form. Problems often occur. Algorithms are presented to solve these problems. The algorithms are based on optimization theory in networks (graphs) and have polynomial complexity. Computational results from solving sample problems with several hundred decision variables are reported. Index terms: branch-and-bound algorithm, classical test theory, complexity, item matching, non-deterministic polynomial complete, parallel tests, polynomial algorithms, test constructionKeywords
This publication has 11 references indexed in Scilit:
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