Laser smoke effect on the bronchial system

The photoresection of endobronchial tumors produces smoke which is partly inhaled by the patient as well as the surgical staff. In an animal study we investigated whether a single exposure or repetitive exposures to smoke might have harmful side effects on the airways. Eleven sheep were exposed to smoke produced by laser-vaporizing (6,500 J) sections of bronchial tissue (1 cm3) in a Plexiglas chamber. The smoke analysis revealed 0.92 mg/liter particles with a mean particle size of 0.54 μm. Carbon monoxide content was estimated as 0.04%. We measured the effects of one or three separate ten-minute exposures on airway resistance, gas exchange, and mucociliary clearance rate in the trachea. We found that the smoke inhalation resulted in a decrease of arterial PO2 with relatively little change in airway mechanics. Tracheal mucus velocity, a marker of lung mucociliary clearance, was significantly depressed in a dose-dependent manner with increasing smoke exposures. Results of bronchoalveolar lavages performed before and one day after the exposure showed that the smoke inhalation induced a severe inflammation with dramatic increases of inflammatory cells. The total number of cells per milliliter increases from 3.2 million to 25 million; percent neutrophils increased from 2.3 to 45.6% and percent macrophages decreased from 86 to 41%. These findings indicate that the side effects of smoke inhalation during intrabronchial laser surgery should not be neglected. The impairment of the defense mechanism of the lung combined with the inflammation as well as hypoxia might be fatal in compromised patients. Effective smoke removal devices should be developed to protect the patients as well as the surgeon.