Electronic Spectrum of Crystalline Antimony

The energy levels and interband oscillator strengths of antimony have been calculated at ∼90 000 points in the Brillouin zone by the pseudopotential method. The potential used was obtained with no adjustment of parameters from empirical form factors of the semiconductors grey Sn and InSb. This potential had previously been used to obtain Fermi surfaces for electrons and holes in Sb in good agreement with experiment. The present calculation agrees well with optical data of Cardona and Greenaway in the energy interval 0.5-8.0 eV with E polarized perpendicular to the trigonal axis. Polarization effects of order 10-20% are predicted by the calculation. The regions of the Brillouin zone contributing most strongly to the calculated structure are identified, and predictions are made concerning spin-orbit splittings of the observed peaks. Application of the analysis to As, Bi, and IV-VI semiconductors is discussed.