An extra idic(21)(q22.1) in a child with some features of Down’s syndrome

A 30-month-old boy with mental retardation, hypotonia, joint hyperlaxity, Brushfield spots, open mouth, distal axial triradius t", and ulnar loops on both forefingers was found to have a 47,XY, + psu idic(21)(q22.1).ish psu idic(21)(q22.1)(D13Z1/D21Z1 + + ,ETS2-) karyotype. The patient's phenotype, with only some Down's syndrome (DS) features, is probably related to his disomy for most or all of the critical region 21q22.2 q22.3 and agrees with the current notion that certain DS features may also result from 21q proximal duplications. The phenotypical comparison with 2 other patients with a similar extra idic(21) reveals some discrepancies, which may be related to the inherent clinical variability of similar imbalances: yet, a real difference between the tetrasomic segments cannot be excluded. Noticeably, all 3 patients with 21q proximal tetrasomy did not have cardiac defect and exhibited none or just one out of the five other DS phenotypic features attributed to a single gene or cluster on distal 21q22.