HLA B27, Sacro-Iliitis and Peripheral Arthropathy in Acute Anterior Uveitis

Consecutively admitted patients [34] with acute anterior uveitis (AAU) were examined. The male to female ratio was 1.8:1. Twenty-two patients (67%) were HLA-B27 positive. Twelve (36%) had radiographical sacro-iliitis; all were males and were HLA-B27 positive. Three of them were asymptomatic. Eighteen patients (53%) had low back pain suggestive of sacro-iliitis; this symptom was not associated with radiographical sacro-iliitis or with HLA-B27. Radiographical sacro-iliitis and HLA-B27 occurred together more frequently in males than in females. The association between AAU and signs of joint affection apparently reflects the association seen in HLA-B27 positive patients; HLA-B27 negative patients suffered from low back pain as well. HLA-B27 positive patients with AAU should be remitted for radiographical examination of the sacro-iliac joints.