Doppler spectroscopy of OH in the photodissociation of hydrogen peroxide

The photofragmentation of hydrogen peroxide has been investigated at an excitation wavelength of 266 nm using polarized laser beams. Doppler spectroscopy in connection with the laser induced fluorescence technique was applied to determine the nascent translational distribution of OH products. The hydroxyl radicals are formed in their electronic ground state, X 2Π3/2,1/2. The released energy is transformed almost exclusively in translation of these photoproducts. The Q1(4) transition in OH(X 2Π3/2→A 2Σ+) was used to study the anisotropic angular distribution of recoiling OH photofragments and analyzed to obtain information about the lifetime and symmetry of the excited dissociative state. The Doppler profiles for different directions of the electric field vectors of dissociation and probe laser relative to the detector axis have been determined for two different geometries. The angular distribution measured by Doppler spectroscopy, peaks in the direction perpendicular to the electric vector of the dissociating laser light, indicating that the predominant electronic excited state in H2O2 must be of 1A symmetry. An upper limit for the lifetime τ of the excited H2O2 parent molecule before dissociation is τ≤6×10−14 s.