As accelerated pavement testing (APT) devices emerge as possible candidates for a supplemental performance test, questions related to the ability to assess resistance of hot mix asphalt to permanent deformation under full-scale trafficking remain. Toward addressing this question, performance data under full-scale trafficking collected for several replacement sections at WesTrack were compared with test results for mixtures fabricated in the laboratory using WesTrack materials and tested at a critical temperature for permanent deformation. The asphalt pavement analyzer (APA) and repeated simple shear test at constant height (RSST-CH) were validated as useful APT tools by comparing measured field performance and laboratory predicted performance of laboratory mixed-laboratory compacted specimens at field (in-place) air void and asphalt contents. Test results from the APA and RSST-CH showed good agreement with downward rut depths measured under full-scale trafficking. Based on a simple statistical analysis, t...

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