Mosses do express conventional, distantly B-type-related phytochromes phytochrome ofPhyscomitrella patens(Hedw.)

We have screened a cDNA library of the moss Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) for phytochrome sequences. The isolated sequences turned out to encode a phytochrome dissimilar to the phytochrome type postulated for the moss Ceratodon [(1 992) Plant Mol. Biol. 20, 1003–1017] Physcomitrella phytochrome was completely alignable to fern phytochrome (Selaginella) and phytochromes of higher plants. The frequency of clones encoding this phytochrome indicated that a Ceratodon‐like type should only be expressed, if at all, with lower frequencies than the sequenced phytochrome cDNA. Sequence differences between lower plant phytochromes are small as compared to phytochrome types of higher plants.