Immuno-enzyme cytochemical investigations showed that the whole amphibian pars intermedia of the hypophysis is innervated by an intercellular network of peptidergic varicose nerve fibres which contain mesotocin or (and) parts of the mesotocin molecule. The pars intermedia does not contain vasotocinergic fibres. The mesotocinergic fibres are branches of axons leaving the pituitary stalk and the neural lobe. In animals of which the hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory preoptic nuclei had been completely removed, the immuno-reactive mesotocinergic fibres of the pars intermedia had totally disappeared. From this result, it is concluded that the mesotocinergic fibres of the pars intermedia of the amphibian hypophysis are axons of neurosecretory perikarya located in the hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory preoptic nuclei.