Top Cited Papers
- 1 January 2005
- journal article
- Published by Annual Reviews in Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
- Vol. 37 (1) , 99-128
▪ Abstract This article reviews our current understanding of the physical mechanisms governing the movement of a tropical cyclone. In a barotropic framework, a tropical cyclone is basically “steered” by the surrounding flow but its movement is modified by the Coriolis force (referred to as the beta effect) and the horizontal vorticity gradient of the surrounding flow. In the presence of vertical wind shear and latent heat release, a tropical cyclone tends to move toward an area with a maximum in the time tendency of potential vorticity, which is mainly contributed by two processes: (a) advection that depends on the structures of the vortex and the environment surrounding the vortex in terms of their flow speed and vorticity gradient (including the beta effect), and (b) heating that results from a coupling between the latent heat released in the clouds and the vertical wind shear.Keywords
This publication has 42 references indexed in Scilit:
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