Anisotropic magnetization, flux pinning and critical current density of La-Sr-Cu-O single crystal

Magnetization curves of large single crystals of (La1-xSrx)2CuO4 (x=0.065 and 0.07) were measured at temperatures from 4.2 to 30K under magnetic fields of up to 9T. The crystals utilized had long dimensions in either the c-axis or the a-axis direction along which the magnetic field was applied, in order to minimize the demagnetization effect. The analysis of the hysteresis data revealed strong anisotropy in flux pinning and critical current density, Jcab(H//c), Jcab (H//ab) and Jcc (H//ab). It was found that the field and temperature dependence was most pronounced for Jcab(H//c) and discussion will be made for this particular case in terms of the conventional scaling law.