A number of Cestodes collected from a hedgehog in Mesopotamia by Dr Boulenger were handed to me for identification. Examination showed them to belong to the genus Oochoristica. Five Cestodes [Hymenolepis erinacei (Gm.), Hymenolepis steudeneri V. Janicki, Davainea parva V. Janicki, Taenia valuta V. Linstow, and a Bothriocephalus Larva V. Janicki] have up to the present been recorded from this host. From all these, the present species is distinguished by its possession of numerous testes, situated posteriorly to the female organs. I therefore propose to form a new species for its reception and suggest for it the name Oochoristica erinacei. The key attached to the following description will serve to distinguish this new species from others of the same genus. I wish here to express my indebtedness to Dr Boulenger for placing his material at my disposal.