Functional Properties of Hemoglobins from Triturus cristatus

The functional properties of Hb from the newt T. cristatus carnifex were characterized both from an equilibrium and a kinetic point of view. Special attention was given to the effect of organic phosphates in view of their role in the modulation of the Hb function. Under stripped conditions, newly Hb display a negative Bohr effect which becomes much less pronounced in the presence of 0.2 M Pi. The effect of organic phosphates involves not only a drop in the O2 affinity but also a large change in the shape of the O2 Bohr effect which becomes markedly positive in the presence of myo-inositol hexakis(phosphate). The experimental data reported make it possible to give a complete picture of the functional behavior of newt Hb, making a contribution to clarifying the dependence of the sign of the Bohr effect on the acclimatization temperature of the animals that was previously reported [Morpurgo, G. et al., 1970].