Guidelines for the Use of Contrast Agents in Ultrasound - January 2004

Ultrasound contrast agents (UCA), in conjunction with contrast specific imaging techniques, are increasingly accepted in clinical use for diagnostic imaging and post-interventional workup in several organs. Presently, there is no guidance document providing a description of essential technical requirements, proposed investigator qualifications, suggested investigational procedures and steps, guidance on image interpretation, recommended and established clinical indications and safety considerations. The need for these guidelines was highlighted following the EFSUMB Board of Directors (Delegates) meeting at the EUROSON Congress at Copenhagen in March, 2003. During their development these guidelines were presented at the EFSUMB special consensus meeting for the use of contrast agents in ultrasound in Rotterdam in January 2004. These guidelines are based on comprehensive literature surveys including results from prospective clinical trials. On issues where no significant study data were available, evidence was obtained from expert committee reports or was based on the actual consensus of experts in the field of US and contrast enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) during the consensus conference. These guidelines are intended to create standard protocols for the use and administration of UCA and improve the management of patients. The first version, dated January 2004, will be focused on the evaluation of known or suspected focal liver lesions (FLL). These guidelines are intended to give general advice for the use of UCA. Individual cases must be managed on the basis of all clinical data available for that specific case. The guidelines will be subject to change to reflect future advances in scientific knowledge and the rapidly evolving field of US technology.

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