Diversified tiering patterns of trace fossils were observed in three Paleogene lithostratigraphic units of the Magura nappe: the Szczawnica Formation (Paleocene‐early Eocene); the Beloveža beds (middle Eocene); and the Piwniczna Sandstone Member of the Magura Formation (middle‐upper Eocene). Sediments of the first unit were deposited under oxygen‐poor conditions, and those of the second and third units under well‐aerated conditions. Thick‐bedded turbidites and fluxoturbidites of the third unit accumulated quickly, in contrast to ‘normal flysch’ of the first and second units. Analyses of tiering patterns show a thickening of tiers following the improvement of sediment oxygenation. Slowly accumulated deposits of ‘normal’ flysch exhibit a more mature, well‐developed tiering pattern than those which accumulated quickly.