Cytology of Feather Pulp Lesions from Marek's Disease(MD) Virus-Infected Chickens and Its Application for Diagnosis and Prediction of MD.

Cytological changes of feather pulp lesions (FPL) sampled chronologically from the same specific-pathogen free chickens inoculated with Marek's disease virus serotype 1 (MDV) were examined, comparing with their histological changes. The birds having Marek's disease (MD) lymphomas or nerve lesions exhibited the characteristic lesion changes on the cytological smears of FPL; the initial non-suppurative inflammatory to the late lymphomatous FPL. The birds having neither the MD visceral lymphomas nor the nerve lesions manifested only non-suppurative inflammatory FPL on the cytological smears throughout the experimental periods. Histological evaluation of FPL sampled from the same birds confirmed as above mentioned cytological results. From these results, the cytological evaluation of FPL proved to be an effective diagnostic and prognostic tool in foreseeing MD incidence.