Three-particle breakup of the isobaric analog state in17F

We have studied the β-delayed particle decay of 17Ne to test the feasibility of determining both the E1 and E2 components of the 12C(α,γ)16O cross section at energies relevant to helium burning in stars. In this context we have observed the breakup of the isobaric analog state in 17F at 11.193 MeV into three particles via three channels: proton decay to the 9.59 MeV state in 16O; and α decay to the 2.365 and 3.502/3.547 MeV states in 13N. This is the first reported observation of the decay of the IAS to the 1 state in 16O at 9.59 MeV and the first reported β-delayed proton-α decay. With straightforward improvements to our detection apparatus to improve angular resolution, β suppression, and solid angle coverage, we should be able to proceed to the measurement of the effect of the tail of the subthreshold state at 7.117 MeV in 16O on the α spectrum from the breakup of the 9.59 MeV state.