Interplanetary observations of solar g‐mode oscillations?

By applying spectral techniques to magnetic field and plasma data from Helios 1 and 2, Pioneer 1 and 2, and Voyager 1 and 2 missions, an attempt has been made to find evidence for solar g‐mode oscillations in the solar wind. It is demonstrated that analysis employing simple spectral techniques is unlikely to detect such oscillations. Using the multi‐taper method, however, many ‘significant’ lines are identified. Unfortunately, we cannot conclude that such lines are necessarily the signature of solar g‐mode oscillations because (i) these lines do not appear to be stationary; (ii) there is no evidence for the predicted signatures of asymptotic g‐modes; and (iii) the statistics of these lines do not deviate significantly from pseudo‐randomly generated data. We suggest that the difference between our conclusions and previous studies lies in the criteria used to identify these lines.