Concrete knowledge of macular atrophy of the skin may be said to begin with the year 1891. Prior to that time the relevant literature appears to be both meager and confused. Thus, cases reported under the title of atrophia cutis maculosa were later proved to be disseminated lupus erythematosus, morphea or white spot disease. To Jadassohn belongs the credit of first clarifying the subject. In 1891, before the second German Dermatological Congress in Leipzig, he gave the clinical and pathologic basis to the now well defined group of macular atrophy, and introduced the term anetodermia [unk], loose, flaccid). Almost at the same time, there appeared the report of a case by Schweninger and Buzzi in the "International Atlas of Skin Diseases" under the descriptive and lengthy title of "Multiple, Benign, Tumor-Like New Growth of the Skin" which, as will be seen later, is nothing other than a clinical variety

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