Metabolism of Bovine Semen. V. Effect of Various Diluents on the Uptake and Metabolic Utilization of Glycerol-1-C14 by Bovine Spermatozoa

The effect of various commonly used semen diluents on the metabolism of glycerol -1C14 by bull spermatozoa was studied. Glycerol -1C14 uptake and utilization by twice-washed sperm during incubation under nitrogen for 3 hours, at 37[degree] C were significantly (P<0.01) less in skimmilk, homogenized milk, and 1:4 egg yolk-citrate diluents than in physiological saline diluent. Sperm in milk diluents metabolized more glycerol than did those in egg yolk-citrate. The presence of utilizable substances in milk and egg yolk may have been responsible for sparing glycerol utilization. Radioactive glycerol was associated with the sedimentable egg yolk solids in a 1:4 egg yolk-citrate diluent. Radioactivity was not diminished by washing the solids as many as 6 times with physiological saline-glycerol solution before assay.