The effects of stress cracking on the fracture toughness of polycarbonate

The growth of crazes from a sharp crack in extruded polycarbonate sheets immersed in ethanol was measured. Below a critical level of the stress intensity factor craze growth was controlled by solvent diffusion through the end of the notch and fracture was prevented by craze arrest. Above a critical level, growth was controlled by either end diffusion or a combination of end diffusion and diffusion through the faces of the extruded sheet, and in both cases the final result was brittle fracture. The effects of annealing and quenching was studied at various sheet thicknesses. In thin specimens annealing and/or quenching had a significant effect on crack growth rate, which was predictable in terms of the state of stress. As the specimen thickness increased, causing a transition from plane stress to plane strain conditions, the previous thermal history had a diminishing effect on craze growth rate. The effects of thermal history and thickness on the fracture toughness of polycarbonate was also investigated. It was found that thickness was the more important variable and that at a ½ in. thickness the effects of thermal history were statistically insignificant. The effect of ethanol exposure on fracture toughness was studied. It was found that exposure to solvent initially caused an increase inkICwith time to a maximum value, followed by a substantial decrease with time which eventually led to brittle fracture. This behavior was explained as a competition between plasticization of the crack tip and coalescence of crazes to form microcracks.

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