Coordination of ribosomal RNA synthesis in vertebrate cells

Xenopus embryo cells and HeLa cells were investigated under various conditions to test for coordinate synthesis of high molecular weight (28S and 18S) and low molecular weight (5S) rRNA. Xenopus embryos initiate 28S and 18S rRNA synthesis at gastrulation (Brown and Littna, '64); we found that 5S rRNA synthesis is coordinately initiated with the 28S and 18S rRNAs at the same time in development. Dissociated Xenopus blastula cells were cultured in vitro for several hours to condition the medium; post‐gastrula cells were then grown in the conditioned medium to test for the existence of an inhibitor of rRNA synthesis. No inhibitor was detected.Low doses of actinomycin D profoundly inhibit the synthesis of 28S and 18S rRNA in HeLa cells, while 5S rRNA synthesis is less affected by this treatment. Therefore, actinomycin D does not produce a coordinate inhibition of all rRNA species. Similar effects of the antibiotic were found in cultured amphibian cells. Synchronized HeLa cells reinitiating RNA synthesis following mitosis also respond to actinomycin D in a non‐coordinate manner.