Fourier transform intracavity laser absorption spectra of the 6ν1 band of CHD3

Absorption spectra in the 16 100-16 320 cm-1 region have been recorded for gaseous CHD3 at room temperature with 0.12 cm -1 resolution using a Fourier transform intracavity laser absorption technique. Two bands belonging to the N = 6 polyad, 61 (6ν1) and 62 (5ν1 + 2ν5), were identified and a rotational analysis for 61 including transitions up to J = 13, verified by means of ground-state combination differences, is reported. Comparison with rotational contants obtained from photoacoustic laser spectra at 77 K is discussed. © 1992 American Institute of Physics.Research Project Nos. PB89-0041 and PB87-0273 of the Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICYT).Peer Reviewe