Villous papilloma of the rectum has been defined by Humphreys1 as follows: "Papilloma is a broad based polyp with greatly elongated, simple or branching crypts, separated by a delicate stroma, and forming villous efflorescences at the surface; cell types vary as in benign and malignant adenomas; progressive growth is in area more than in height." Goldgraber and Kirsner2 recently reported four cases of this disease. They emphasized a consistent although vague pattern of presenting symptoms, an occasional difficulty in visualizing the lesion through the sigmoidoscope despite its size and accessibility, and the serious electrolyte disturbances which may result from the rectal discharge of tumor secretions. The authors included one case which was believed to represent the first documented instance of rectal papilloma in which a fatal outcome was attributable to electrolyte losses. The following case is reported with these purposes in mind: 1. To present a patient in