The holonomy of the supercovariant connection and Killing spinors

  • 18 June 2003
We show that the holonomy of the supercovariant connection for M-theory backgrounds with $N$ Killing spinors reduces to a subgroup of $SL(32-N,\bR)\st (\oplus^N \bR^{32-N})$. We use this to give the necessary and sufficient conditions for a background to admit $N$ Killing spinors. We show that there is no topological obstruction for the existence of up to 22 Killing spinors in eleven-dimensional spacetime. We investigate the symmetry superalgebras of supersymmetric backgrounds and find that their structure constants are determined by an antisymmetric matrix. The Lie subalgebra of bosonic generators is related to a real form of a symplectic group. We show that there is a one-one correspondence between certain bases of the Cartan subalgebra of $sl(32, \bR)$ and supersymmetric planar probe M-brane configurations. A supersymmetric probe configuration can involve up to 31 linearly independent planar branes and preserves one supersymmetry. The space of supersymmetric planar probe M-brane configurations is preserved by an $SO(32,\bR)$ subgroup of $SL(32, \bR)$.

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